Those Who Must Read This Stuff:
April 18, 1998
I: Name
The name of this organization shall be Astronomers of Verde
II: Object
The objects of this organization shall be to provide a forum for
discussions concerning astronomy, to provide an astronomy educational
opportunity for the Verde Valley, provide an environment for members to
observe Arizona skies, and to promote such other activities regarding
astronomy as deemed appropriate by the members.
III: Members
A. Any person or
family with an interest in astronomy shall be admitted to membership in
the organization upon payment of membership dues.
B. Rights of
membership shall consist of:
1. Voting
2. Holding office
3. Receiving
club publications
4. Participating in
club holiday festivities and other functions
C. Membership
dues shall be collected by the Treasurer during the first month of the
calendar year (the calendar year serving as the fiscal year for this
organization). Dues are
delinquent after March 1, resulting in suspension of membership until
dues are paid. Membership
will be dropped after April 1.
New members dues shall be pro-rated as decided by the board.
D. Complimentary
memberships may be given at the discretion of the board.
IV: Officers
A. The election of
Officers shall take place during the first month of the calendar year at
the annual meeting using standard rules for conducting the election
including asking for nominations from the assembled membership.
The term of office is one year.
B. A nominating
committee composed of one previous officer and two other members shall
be appointed by the President, shall meet within the last two months of
the old calendar year, and shall prepare a slate of officers to present
to the membership at the annual meeting.
C. The following
Officers shall be elected each year from members that have been in good
standing for at least a year:
1. President
2. Vice-President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Board Member at
D. The duties of the
Officers are as follows:
1. President
a. Preside at meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee
b. Administer the affairs of the organization
c. Establish the agenda for all meetings in cooperation with
the Secretary
d. Represent the organization to the community
e. Appoint committee chairs as needed
a. Serve as presiding officer in the absence of the President
b. Perform such other duties as required by the President and the Executive Committee
3. Secretary
a. Maintain a record of all the proceedings of the
organization, including the minutes of meetings and committee reports
b. Maintain the membership roster
c. Provide the minutes and reports to members on request
d. Furnish committees with required documents
e. Maintain a list of active committees
f. Notify newly elected officials of their position and responsibilities
g. Maintain record books containing bylaws, special rules of order, standing rules, minutes and other documents
h. Notify members of meetings
i. Prepare meeting agendas in cooperation with the President
j. Preside over meetings in the absence of the President and the Vice-President
k. Answer correspondence as needed
a. Notify members of annual dues
b. Maintain a ledger of income and expenses
c. Notify members of delinquent dues resulting in change of membership
d. Make purchases, pay bills as authorized by the executive committee
e. Provide secretary with changes in the membership roster
5. Board Member at
a. Attends executive committee with vote
b. Performs such duties as assigned by the President
V: Executive Committee
A. The Executive
Committee shall consist of the elected officers and the immediate past-president.
B. Meetings shall be
held at least quarterly or more often as needed
C. Minutes of these
meetings shall be presented to the next meeting of the organization.
D. Duties
1. Establish the
date, time, and place for regular monthly meetings of the organization
2. Schedule special
events and appoint committees to develop the details related to these events
3. Prepare annual
4. Perform
additional functions as necessary for the operation of and the betterment of the organization
5. Fill vacancies
among the officers
E. Any decision of
the Executive Committee may be suspended by a 2/3 vote of the membership present at a regular meeting.
VI: Meetings
A. Regular meetings
of the organization are held monthly at a time and place established by the Executive Committee
B. Members are
notified of future meetings by the Secretary
C. Special meetings
may be called by the President, two other members of the Executive Committee, or any three members in good standing.
D. A quorum
necessary for transacting business shall consist of 1/3 of the members in good standing and one officer in attendance
VII: Other committees
A. Standing
B. Special
1. Special
committees shall be created and given specific duties whenever the Executive Committee or the organization require their service.
VIII: Parliamentary
The rules contained in the 1989 edition of Robert’s Rules of
Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to
which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with
these bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.
IX: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the
membership provided that the amendment has been submitted to the
membership in writing at the previous regular meeting.
X: Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Executive Committee
shall pay, or make provision for payment of, all the liabilities of the
society. Any remaining
assets shall be disposed of in ways which would further the specific
purposes of the organization.
These bylaws shall supersede any previous bylaws of this
Nothing in these bylaws regarding qualifications of Officers
shall apply to Officers serving at the time these bylaws are enacted.
April 18, 1998
of Verde Valley |